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Prosperity gospel

Our newspaper recently had an article about a scandal affecting the world’s largest Christian television network, Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN).

The Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN) was created 39 years ago by Paul and Janice Crouch, a husband and wife who espouse a “prosperity gospel” – the message being that followers must give to the Lord to be repaid. Now it is alleged that the biggest beneficiaries are the Crouches.

The fascinating word in the article is “Now”: Now it is alleged that the biggest beneficiaries are the Crouches. As if a lot of Christians (and others) hadn’t realised this earlier!

It’s such an obvious and pernicious reversal of means and end (goal). God becomes the means for my health, wealth, peace-of-mind, whatever. Rather than God being the goal, and all else being the means to that one goal, God.

same article, different newspaper

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7 thoughts on “Prosperity gospel”

  1. Thanks Bosco!

    I got a full belly laugh out of the video.

    When you’re trained in the Liturgy of Emotion, things can get out of whack real quick.

    I’m sure glad for God’s grace and forgiveness, when I think of all the stupid things I’ve done.

  2. Do not mock what you don’t understand. Christianity is faith, not sense knowledge. Your posting this tasteless mockery of God’s ways makes me doubt your Christianity claims. People like you deprecate the Catholic Church.

    1. Brother David

      I don’t know a more Christian man on the internet than Father Bosco my dear Chima. The fact that you so easily denigrate the idea that he is a Christian throws quite a shaddow over your own profession of faith.

      We are a community of folks who do not hide behind fake avatars. If you post again, please share your name and not a false front.

      As to the video, sorry that you are so easily fooled. I know by personal experience that these are not Christians led by the Holy Spirit, but charlatans after earthly riches and respect.

  3. While I can see the funny side of it and was able to chuckle, I am also sad that for some people this is the Christian faith. Unfortunately there are many people who are taken in by such nonsense and, when it is found wanting, they reject both it and all reasonable expressions of Christian belief.

  4. As a member of a pentecostal church, I’ve seen more people taken in by this kind of teaching than I care to admit. Fortunately, most pentecostal churches are NOT like this, and do offer solid theology and genuine, well grounded faith. I had a good laugh at the video, but cringe to think that some might think we’re all like that.

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