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Internet God

The Internet as Sacred Space

Internet God

I want the internet to be a sacred space, and believe that together we can enhance this one pixel at a time.

Hence, this website, and the digital Chapel.

Recently I was challenged:

I have accepted the challenge. You might join in.

Often I am part of trying to minimise the damage that the digital world has, in so many different ways, caused in people’s lives.

What other ways have you seen, organised, or been part of recently that enhance the positive side of our new digital world?

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4 thoughts on “The Internet as Sacred Space”

  1. Last Sunday, Social Media Sunday #SMS16, was a day designated in TEC for dioceses and parishes of the 17 nations which are part of TEC, to use social media to share their diocese/parish and the good things happening there.

  2. Bosco, on Saturday I attended a concert of early sacred choral music at a little episcopal church in San Francisco’s “Mission” neighborhood. I had heard about the concert from a Facebook post. As I found a seat and was getting settled, the three people behind me began chatting and they, too, had learned of the concert via Facebook and came from as far as 30 miles away. In the end, the event was very well attended and it seemed like a great use of social media as a way to bring people together who might not otherwise have ever heard about it.

    Naturally, I posted a photo of the church on Facebook and tagged it to the event and location!

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