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9 thoughts on “Weather forecast – Anglican chant”

  1. Marvellous diction and pace. Anglican choirs used to be able to sing psalms this quickly back when we still sang the BCP’s large portions of psalmody at Mattins and Evensong. But now we do minimal psalmody veeeerryyyy slooooowlyyyy.

  2. Philip Theobald

    I agree with Jesse, great diction and pace. There was a time when many parish churches boasted a choir that could sing and lead the congregation in singing the psalms. It is rare now to hear evensong in a parish church said, let alone sung and choirs seem to have disappeared yet they also seem to be coming back as community activities.
    Perhaps there is a place for combining social choirs with church music, after all we still have church organs albeit little used.

  3. LOL

    Reminds me of the time I was at a choir camp and we had someone new running it who was big on rules – so one team put the rules to the psalm chant we were using and sang them for us.

    There is a lack of church choirs in the Diocese I am in (in Australia). I’ve also seen a few under-utilised organs – sadly it seems to be from a lack of people who actually know how to play an organ. There are a lot of keyboard players though.

    Sadly, I think the last time I heard a psalm sang properly was at the Cathedral. I travel around a bit and I think the last time I heard a psalm sung at a parish church was the early to mid 90’s – and I was one of the singers. Psalmody is a dying art :0(

  4. Great “psalm”, I played to a few of my choristers for a laugh. Yes, psalmody is a dying art, sadly. We’re doing our best here in Bloemfontein (South Africa), where I have a student choir that sings Evensong on Sunday afternoons during term, at the Anglican Cathedral. We started this year, and although they’re not 100% fluent at sight-reading them (most are not Anglican, nor English first language speakers, let alone familiar with 16th cent English), they get it on the second or third sing-through. Brewer in D, Purcell O God thou art my God anthem, Tallis responses yesterday. And of course Psalm 45 (Hopkins chant). Great service.

  5. I remember hearing ‘The Dominion Weather Forecast’ set to a psalm chant. It used to be a regular request on radio request sessions. I have an idea it was performed by an Auckland choir.

    1. I remember this as well. It was put together by Professor Peter Godfrey. Would love to hear this again, have been unsuccessful in tracking it down.

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