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Liturgy - serving individuals and communities seeking to have worship and spirituality that is vital, transforming, and faithful.
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Liturgy Spirituality Worship - serving individuals and communities seeking to have worship and spirituality that is vital, transforming, and faithful.
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Description of Liturgy (if you wish you can copy & paste this onto your links page)
Liturgy: An independent website serving individuals and communities seeking to have worship and spirituality that is vital, transforming, and faithful.
What can I do to help bring liturgy to life?
This site attempts to encourage a wholesome, balanced spirituality. A spirituality where individual and community life nourishes each other, where worship is both the source and the summit of our Christian life.
You can prepare for Sunday by reading prayerfully (lectio divina) the readings, at least the Gospel, prior to the Eucharist. You can see that the following Sunday's readings are printed in the pew sheet . You can pray some part of the Daily Office. You can spend some time in silent contemplative prayer. You can reflect prayerfully on one of the prayers of the Church, or one of the Psalms. You can encourage others in these disciplines, these practices.
You can let people know about this site, explain it to them, remind them. You can social bookmark this site and its pages.
From time to time you can see that there is a mention and explanation of this site and its address (www.liturgy.co.nz) in your church bulletin, pew sheet, magazine. There could even be a brief reminder there each week.
You can make a link from your own site, and/or your church's to this site - let me know about the link.
There could be a reflection group or worship committee working through (parts of) Celebrating Eucharist. Or a quote from Celebrating Eucharist or from this site for all to reflect on.
Encourage and/or present homilies, teachings, and sermons that explain the ideal of individual prayer leading to communal prayer and visa versa.
You can pray for this site and those who visit here.
Please let me know if you link to this site so that I can acknowledge that.