Today's Eucharist Readings (NAB)
The Bible through the Seasons (reading the whole Bible daily in three years)
The Bible through the Seasons blog site
Calendar and lectionary BCP (USA)
The Daily Office
Morning Prayer
Yesterday Today Tomorrow
Evening Prayer
Yesterday Today Tomorrow
Night Prayer
Yesterday Today Tomorrow
Daily Prayer (with different time-zone options) provided by the official Church of England web site, © The Archbishops' Council of the Church of England, 2002-2004.
St Bede’s Breviary (wonderful, flexible resource based on TEC’s BCP)
podcast Liturgy of the Hours Benedictine Sisters of Perpetual Adoration
podcast of New Zealand Prayer Book office (opens in new window)
Liturgy of the Hours (Roman Catholic - Universalis)
Misseo Dei Breviary (a simple daily prayer)
Traditional 1928 BCP
Anglican Cycle of Prayer (long term) or current
Lectio (prayerful reflection on a scripture passage)
Today's reading from the Rule of St Benedict
A reflection on today's reading of the Rule (Br. Jerome OSB - scroll down)
Today's reading at Taizé (opens in new window)
Daily Reflection from the Upper Room
Saint of the day
A Spiritual Exercise for the Week (following Ignatian Spirituality)
Examen of Consciousness (Ignatian)
On the top of this page is Rublev's icon of the Trinity reflection 1 reflection 2