From the Constitution B6

6.                   Such alteration, addition, diminution, framing, adoption, ordering, or permitting shall be deemed to be duly and validly made and to be authorised by Clause 5 of Part B of this Constitution only if –
(a)                The General Synod / te Hïnota Whänui shall at any session have adopted a specific proposal for such alteration, addition, diminution, framing, adoption, ordering, or permitting with a view to making the same known to the several Diocesan Synods and to Te Runanganui o Te Pïhopatanga o Aotearoa; and thereafter
(b)                Te Runanganui o Te Pïhopatanga o Aotearoa, the Diocese of Polynesia and a majority of the Diocesan Synods in New Zealand shall have assented to the proposal so made known to them; and thereafter
(c)                The General Synod / te Hïnota Whänui at a session after there shall have been a fresh General Election of its members subsequent to such proposal having been adopted, shall have confirmed the same by a majority of two]thirds of the members in each order.
            Provided that not less than one year nor more than five years shall have elapsed between the first adoption of the proposal in the General Synod / te Hïnota Whänui and its final confirmation therein; and
(d)                Such of the provisions of Title C, Canon I, of the Canons of the General Synod  now in force (or any provisions hereafter made by the General Synod / te Hïnota Whänui in amendment thereof or in substitution therefor) as are applicable to the circumstances, mutatis mutandis, shall have been observed;  and
(e)                Either -

(i)                  A period of one year (from the day on which the General  Synod / te Hïnota Whänui shall under paragraph (c) of this section have confirmed the proposal shall have elapsed without an appeal from the said proposal having been made in accordance with section five of the said Act to the Tribunal referred to in that section upon the ground that the proposal involves a departure from the Doctrine and Sacraments of Christ as defined in the Fundamental Provisions of this Constitution; or
(ii)                 If such an appeal shall have been made within such period, the same shall have been dismissed.
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