
Play it again…

The popular video clip of Fran and Marlo Cowan (married 62 years) playing an impromptu recital together:

Why on a liturgy site?
Liturgy is sometimes criticised for being repetitive. This shows that something that has clearly been done many times previously can be done in such a way that it enhances and humanises. In fact something like this could not have been done without some repetition.
It is a reminder that we hear a lot about the value and needs of and for younger people – and I am all for that – but let us not forget to treasure older people to whom we can give a lot and from whom we can receive so much.
And anyway – it’s a fun, inspiring video…

What is of extra value is that this wonderful couple see all their performing and life as part of using the talents God gave them to God’s praise.

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1 thought on “Play it again…”

  1. I haven’t checked in on your blog in a while! I quite like it. I’ve also begun posting Collects and readings on my blog, with brief spiritual reflection, though I’m working off of the ’62 Calendar.

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