This site is run by: Rev. Bosco Peters B.Theol (Hons) Melbourne College of Divinity, B. Sc. Canterbury, Dip.Tchg. Christchurch
Author of:
Celebrating Eucharist, DEFT, 1995
The Anglican Eucharist in New Zealand 1814-1989, (Joint Liturgical Study, Alcuin GROW #21, 1992) an abbreviation of my thesis;
and numerous articles in a variety of journals.
Former lecturer and examiner in Church, Ministry and Sacraments for L.Th. at College House Institute of Theology, Christchurch, guest lecturer 2007 Bible College of New Zealand in theology and film.
Member of Societas Liturgica.
Associate of Kopua Cistercian Monastery with a long interest in spirituality.
As well as many years of worship leadership as a lay person, I have served as a priest in the Anglican Church in rural and urban parishes, and am now retired after 24 years serving as Chaplain at Christ’s College, Canterbury (New Zealand), an Anglican secondary school for boys. I have been a member of many committees dealing with worship issues including the Tikanga Pakeha Liturgical Working Group, General Synod, and Diocesan Standing Committee. I have travelled extensively, experiencing worship as diverse as in a hermitage in the Sahara, with thousands of young people at Taizé, on a boat on the Congo River, in Orthodox monasteries on Mount Athos, dancing at St Gregory of Nyssa Episcopalian Church in California, a Latin Mass in China, in a Christian Ashram in India, with Old Catholics in Utrecht, with missionary partners in South America, and on St Francis Day in St John the Divine Cathedral New York (this included a procession of animals, the last being an elephant)
A vision towards the future
We need to work together to put worship and spirituality to the forefront of our life and thinking, as the foundation and goal of our Christian life. People are clamouring for spirituality, for a relationship with God. This relationship is nourished and expressed in worship, prayer, contemplative life and meditation, individually and in community. There can be a new paradigm, a new model. This affirms all that is good in worship that takes its cue from scholarly return to early-church sources as well as worship that takes its cue from our contemporary culture and environment. This website is part of taking seriously our Christian heritage and our current situation. It seeks to encourage worship that is vital, transforming, and faithful. May the Holy Spirit guide our venture.
Resources on this site
There are images and quotations on this site that do not originate with me. In such cases, such quotations and images are placed here in good faith and not used for profit, nor with any intention to claim them as mine. I try to use images that are copyright free and regularly attribute the source. I am happy to acknowledge Textweek as the source of the majority of images on this site. Biblical quotations are normally from the New Revised Standard Version. If I have used an image or quotation that belongs to you, please let me know (for example in the comment section) if you would like it attributed (if I have not done so, probably because I could not trace the source) or if you seek to have it removed.
Yours in Christ
Bosco Peters
Views expressed on this site are obviously solely my own responsibility. If you use anything from this site, please follow the Terms of Use – you will also find contact details there.