The following document was commissioned by the Common Life Liturgical Commission (CLLC) of the Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia to “aid understanding” of the “already transparent, simple and clear” liturgical rules of this church. It was presented to the Bishops’ Meeting, placed on the church’s official website, and will be presented to General Synod Te Hinota Whanui this year, 2012. There is a blog post on this document here.
Memo on Liturgical resources, guidelines and rules – Easter 2012
The ‘principal’ authorised resources for worship in this Church are:
[1] A New Zealand Prayer Book ~ He Karakia Mihinare o Aotearoa;
[2] The Alternative Services found in Title G Canon VI; (see website)
[3] The Revised Common Lectionary. (2000).
Other liturgical resources have been received by / approved of / reported to the General Synod:
[4] For All the Saints; (1998) (for current updates see website)
[5] Celebrating Common Prayer: A Version for Aotearoa New Zealand & Polynesia; (2000) (for a Te Reo Maori version see website)
[6] Te Pouhere Sunday resources. (2002 and 2004) (see website)
Other liturgies may be authorised under the provisions of:
[7] Title G Canon XIV: Tikanga authorisation;
[8] SRL3 Standing Resolution Liturgical 3: Experimental Forms of Service. (1992)
Standing Resolutions Liturgical (SRL) are printed with the Canons of General Synod:
[9] SRL1 Formularies; (1992)
[10] SRL2 Inclusive Language (1984)
[11] SRL4 Guidelines for Christian Initiation (see ANZPB page 382); (1990)
[12] SRL5 Template – A Framework for Worship; (2006)
[13] SRL6 Notes on the Calendar & Precedence in Liturgical Observance. (2006)
The General Synod website ( is the place to find a number of liturgical resources, guidelines and rules including:
Liturgical Precedence (see [13] above)
A Table to Find Moveable Feasts 2008 to 2032
Authorised Prayer Book Changes to 2010
The current Lectionary
Seasons and Sundays (the sentences, collects, and readings for RCL)
Feasts and Holy Days (the sentences, collects, and readings)
A Template for Worship (see [12] above)
Alternative Great Thanksgivings (see [2] above)
Alternative Form for Ordering Eucharist (see [2] above)
A Form for Ordering a Service of the Word (see [2] above)
Ashes to Fire (see [2] above)
Te Pouhere Sunday resources (see [6] above)
Disability Awareness Sunday resources