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Advent Penitence

In silence before God we confess our sins.


Jesus, you came to call us to repentance.
Lord, have mercy.        (or Kyrie eleison sung)
Lord, have mercy.

You come in word and sacrament to share your life abundant.
Christ, have mercy.      (or Christe eleison sung)
Christ, have mercy.

You will come again in glory to renew the whole creation.
Lord, have mercy.        (or Kyrie eleison sung)
Lord, have mercy.

God for whom we wait and watch,
through this Eucharist we celebrate
cleanse us of our sins
so that we may come to share your eternal banquet;
through Jesus Christ our Redeemer. Amen.

Invitation to Confession

Alternative to those suggested on page 407.

The night is nearly over,
the day is at hand.
Let us therefore cast off the works of darkness
and put on the armour of light.              (Romans 13:12)