Christmas flash mob
Christmas flash mob Read More »
First Coming by Madeleine L’Engle He did not wait till the world was ready, till men and nations were at peace. He came when the Heavens were unsteady, and prisoners cried out for release. He did not wait for the perfect time. He came when the need was deep and great. He dined with sinners
Let us pray (in silence) [that we may grow into the life promised at Christmas] pause God, you wonderfully created and yet more wonderfully restored the dignity of human nature; grant that we may share the divine life of the one who came to share our humanity, Jesus Christ, our Saviour who is alive with
Incarnation deification theosis Read More »
REFRAIN Gaudete, Gaudete, Christus est natus Ex Maria Virgine, Gaudete! Rejoice, Rejoice, Christ is born of the Virgin Mary, Rejoice! VERSE 1. Tempus adest gratiae Hoc quod optabamus, Carmina laetitiae Devote reddamus. The hour of grace which we seek is here. We offer with devotion our songs of gladness. VERSE 2. Deus homo factus est,
Let us pray (in silence) [with joy and hope as we await the dawning of God’s brightness] pause God, you have made this most holy night radiant with the splendour of the true light, may we who even now obscurely share the mystery of your light come to enjoy your light in fullness, who is
Let us pray (in silence) [that through celebrating the Incarnation we will deepen our relationship with Christ] pause God, year by year you make us glad with the hope of our redemption, grant that we who joyfully receive your only begotten Son as our Redeemer may with sure confidence behold him when he comes as
Celebrating the Incarnation Read More »
I have been writing about the O Antiphons that many of us have been praying these days in the evening with the Magnificat. If this is new to you, follow links, tags, use the search box provided top right. A comment noted that the daily Mass Alleluia Gradual text surprisingly (at least to me), while
O Dayspring; King of the nations; Emmanuel Read More »