In silence before God we confess our sins.
Source of all life and goodness,
how rich are your depths O God,
how far short we have fallen of your vision for us.
Lord, have mercy. (or Kyrie eleison sung)
Lord, have mercy.
Guide of the desires of our hearts,
how deep your wisdom and knowledge,
how we wander and stray from your ways.
Christ, have mercy. (or Christe eleison sung)
Christ, have mercy.
Goal of all that is,
to you be glory and praise for ever,
may we worship and serve you in newness of life.
Lord, have mercy. (or Kyrie eleison sung)
Lord, have mercy.
God the Creator brings you new life,
forgives and redeems you.
Take hold of this forgiveness
and live your life
in the Spirit of Jesus.
Or – especially in Advent:
God for whom we wait and watch,
through this Eucharist we celebrate
cleanse us of our sins
so that we may come to share your eternal banquet;
through Jesus Christ our Redeemer. Amen.
(Written by Bosco Peters for the Christchurch Diocesan Eucharist celebrating 150 years of diocesan life – cf. Romans 11:33-36)