This service may be adapted to the particular circumstances. Hymns may be sung at appropriate places. The VicarElect may be escorted by supporters and whanau/family.
The Gathering of the Community
A processional hymn may be sung.
The Bishop greets the people with this or another greeting.
Grace and peace to you from God.
God fill you with truth and joy.
The Bishop continues using these or other appropriate words.
Brothers and Sisters in Christ, we meet to welcome and institute N, your new Vicar. We shall pray for N in this new ministry and for you all, as together with her/him, you participate in the continuing ministry of the Church. So we shall join together and give praise and worship to God through Jesus Christ.
Let us pray (in silence) for all our ministries, giving thanks for those who down through the years carried the flame of the Gospel in this place.
Faithful God,
from age to age you gather a people to yourself;
we thank you for all who have served you here;
send your Holy Spirit to give us understanding of the past,
a vision for the future, and wisdom in all we undertake.
These prayers and praises we bring to you, O God,
through Jesus our Redeemer
who is alive with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God now and for ever.
The congregation sits.
The readings and sermon follow.
The Presentation
The Archdeacon affirms that the Vicar-Elect has signed the Articles of Canonical Obedience.
Bishop N has been called and ordained a priest in the Church. Now, having fulfilled the necessary canonical requirements, we bring her/him to this community to preach the word, celebrate the sacraments, and build up the body of Christ. Through baptism God calls each of us to the work of ministry. We are to use the gifts we have been given to witness to the Gospel, to serve the kingdom, and to glorify God.
As we welcome N we will consider both the ministry s/he will exercise and also our common calling as disciples and ministers of Christ.
The Promises of the VicarElect and the People of the parish
God’s presence with us is symbolised in the font, the lectern, the altar, the people, and the presider’s chair. Verses of a hymn may be sung between these points of focus. Representatives of the parish present symbols to the VicarElect which relate to areas of ministry.
At the Font:
Representative N, receive this water. Be among us to baptise as Christ commanded.
People Amen.
Archdeacon Jesus said: Go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. (Matthew 28:19)
Will you faithfully administer the sacrament of baptism in this parish?
Vicar Elect Yes, I will. I shall baptise those who come to be made members of Christ’s Church.
The water is poured into the font.
I ask you, my sisters and brothers in Christ, will you share with those who are baptised what we ourselves have received?
People We will share our delight in prayer, our love for the word of God, the desire to follow the way of Christ, and food for the journey.
At the Lectern:
Representative N, receive this holy Bible. Be among us to proclaim God’s word to God’s people.
People Amen.
Archdeacon Jesus said: Go into all the world and preach the good news to the whole creation. (Mark 16:15)
Will you study and proclaim these scriptures, be a faithful teacher in this parish, and make known God’s love for all?
Vicar Elect Yes, I will. The scriptures will be the foundation of my teaching and preaching. May all that we speak and do be in accordance with them.
The Bible is placed open on the lectern.
I ask you, my fellow pilgrims, will you seek renewal, will you share this new life, and reveal the way of Jesus to all people?
People By God’s grace and with your help, we will follow Christ.
At the Altar:
Representative N, receive this stole. Be among us as our priest.
People Amen.
Representative N, receive this Prayer Book. Be among us as a person of prayer.
People Amen.
Representative N, receive this holy oil. Be among us as a healer and reconciler.
People Amen.
Archdeacon Jesus said: Love one another as I have loved you. (John 13:34)
Will you be a channel of God’s love to others?
Vicar Elect With God’s help, I will.
The stole, Prayer Book, and holy oil are placed on the altar.
I ask you, as fellow servants of Christ, will you join me in caring for our neighbours and our community so that through our love new life may come to others?
People By God’s grace we will share Christ’s love with others.
Representative N, receive this bread and wine, this chalice and paten. Be among us to preside at the Eucharist which we all celebrate together.
People Amen.
Archdeacon Jesus said: I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me shall never thirst. (John 6:35)
Will you faithfully celebrate the Eucharist with God’s family in this parish?
Vicar Elect Yes, I will.
The bread and wine, chalice and paten are placed on the altar.
I ask you, the people of God, will you share with me in this family meal of the Church?
People By God’s grace we will join with you in the worship of God, the Creator, Redeemer, and Giver of life.
With the People:
Representative N, receive the Minute Book of the Vestry. Be among us to share in the administration of this parish.
People Amen.
Representative N, we come representing the licensed lay ministers, organists and other leaders within the parish. We offer you our friendship and support as we join together in this work to which God has called us. Be among us as one who enables the whole mission of the Church.
People Amen.
Representative N, we come representing the congregations of this parish. Care for the people entrusted to you.
People Amen.
Archdeacon The Apostle Peter said: Tend the flock of God that is in your charge, not under compulsion, but willingly, not as domineering over those in your charge, but being an example to the flock. (1 Peter 5:2,3)
Will you encourage others to share in the stewardship of money and the faithful management of parish affairs? Will you oversee and encourage the ministries within the parish, and will you exercise pastoral care of the family of God in the congregations of this parish?
Vicar Elect With God’s help, I will.
I ask you, as fellow members of Christ, will you give of your time, talents and money in support of this parish and love and forgive each other as Christ loves and forgives us?
People By God’s grace we will.
The Institution of the Vicar
The Vicar Elect kneels. The licence is read and handed to her/him by the Bishop.
Bishop Receive this licence. Accept this charge which is both yours and mine; in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Be a true minister of God’s holy word and sacraments, and a faithful pastor under the great Shepherd of Souls; and the blessing of God, our Creator, Redeemer and Giver of life, be upon you now and evermore. Amen.
The Vicar Elect stands. The Churchwardens greet her/him.
Wardens By the authority of the Bishop and on behalf of the people of this parish, we receive and acknowledge you, N, as our Vicar.
We give you the keys of the Church. May God bless your ministry among us.
The Vicar, accompanied by the Wardens, may now ring the Church Bell to indicate the beginning of the new Vicar’s ministry in the local community.
At the Chair:
The Vicar is placed in the presider’s chair by the Bishop.
The Presentation of N and N (the Vicar’s family)
Vicar I come with N and N. We are a partnership in ministry and a family.
Family representative We are glad to have been called to this place. We look forward to sharing in the life of this parish.
People We welcome you all. We will support you, pray for you, and be sensitive to your family life.
The Prayers
Representatives of the parish kneel with N.
Bishop Let us pray for the work of Christ’s Church in this place and for N, your new Vicar, and for N and N (the Vicar’s family).
All pray in silence.
God of love
Grant our prayer.
All pray together.
God of grace, hear our prayers for N,
whom you have called to leadership in this parish.
Strengthen her/him with love for your people.
As a faithful priest and true servant of Jesus,
may s/he proclaim your word, minister your sacraments,
and shepherd your flock, to the glory of your name.
Grant us your grace to share
in this ministry of love, fellowship, and service;
through Jesus Christ our Saviour. Amen.
Vicar Eternal God, I commit myself to your service. Strengthen me to follow your will. Keep me faithful in proclaiming your living word and in administering your holy sacraments; equip me with the gifts I shall need for my ministry with your people in this parish.
All O God,
Take our hands and work through them;
Take our lips and speak through them;
Take our minds and think through them;
Take our hearts and set them on fire with love for you.
If this service is a Eucharist it continues at the Ministry of the Sacrament. Otherwise the service concludes with the Lord’s Prayer, blessing, and the Dismissal of the Community.
At a suitable point the Archdeacon, Churchwardens, Parish Staff, and representatives of Parish Organisations welcome the Vicar and family members. Ministers of other Churches, and any other Community Leaders may give greetings. The congregation may clap their hands at appropriate times.