This site provides something different: many sites and books provide a brief summary of the reading – so that people read out or have in their pew sheet an outline of what they are about to hear. They are told beforehand what to expect. Does this not limit what they hear the Spirit address them? This site provides something different – often one cannot appreciate what is being read because there is no context provided. This site provides the context, the frame of the reading about to be heard. It could be used as an introduction, printed on a pew sheet (acknowledged, of course), or adapted in other ways.
Exodus 3:1-15
Moses is a person who shows curiosity – who wants to explore further. God identifies Godself as the verb to be! A further unusual demonstration that this is really God is promised in verse 12!
Jeremiah 15:15-21
Roman Catholics and those who use that version of the three year series, have a different related reading from Jeremiah:20:7-9. The context of both options is the sixth century BCE with the Hebrew people in exile in Babylon.
Romans 12:9-21
Roman Catholics and those who use that version of the three year series use verses from last week’s selection from this letter. In this text, Paul continues from last week with concrete, practical applications that follow on from his teachings presented earlier in the letter.
Matthew 16:21-28
If Matthew’s Gospel reflects a reasonable chronology in Jesus’ life, we see him joining John the Baptist, taking up and extending that mission when John the Baptist is imprisoned (to join John’s vision you had to go to the Jordan. With Jesus you don’t have to go to the vision – the vision will come to you. The sick and very poor in Jesus are welcomed into the new vision, whereas they could not have gone to the Jordan). On the execution of John the Baptist. Jesus reflected on his future and even leaving Hebrew territory. His friends have identified him with John and Elijah. Jesus knows the writing is on the wall. He also breaks the cultural understanding of honour.