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Advent wreath – blessing & song
Prayers for each week at the Advent wreath
Collection of Advent resources links

A possible structure for the Gathering of the Community:

1. The appropriate number of candles is lit on the Advent Wreath before the service begins. Alternatively, these candles are lit (by, for example, different children) during the Advent hymn.

2. Suggested greeting: 

[I runga I te Ingoa o te Atua,
te Matua, te Tama me te Wairua Tapu. Amine.                                           
or In the name of God:
Creator, Redeemer, and Giver of life. Amen.
or In the name of God:
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen.]

Grace and peace to you from God.
God fill you with truth and joy.

3. Advent hymn or Song of Praise

“Glory to God in the highest” is traditionally not used in Advent.


It may be desirable to omit penitential elements in the Gathering of the Community if the focus is on the lighting of the Advent Wreath candles. [ Alternatively, Advent Lord/Christ have mercy might be used.]

4. Collect of the Day [original Advent collects here]

Let us pray (bidding)
Collect proclaimed by the presider.
(The presider uses only one collect)



Suggested response for the Prayers of the People

Lord, in your mercy
hear our prayer.

Variation/Addition to the Great Thanksgiving:


Alternative Great Thanksgiving / Eucharistic Prayers

Eucharistic Prayers

The above link includes some of the following, as well as others:

Eucharistic Prayer 1 from Celebrating Eucharist
This prayer is a new composition which was written to provide some complementary images.

Eucharistic Prayer 2 from Celebrating Eucharist
Eucharistic Prayers are often criticised for their repetitiveness. This prayer was written, in part, as an attempt to avoid this.

Eucharistic Prayer 3 from Celebrating Eucharist
This prayer is modeled on one found in the Apostolic Tradition of Hippolytus (early third century). This ancient eucharistic prayer is used widely as a basis for many modern eucharistic prayers in different denominations.

Eucharistic Prayer 4 from Celebrating Eucharist
This prayer is based on an ecumenical prayer with its source in the liturgy of St. Basil.

Eucharistic Prayer 1 from Enriching our Worship

Eucharistic Prayer 2 from Enriching our Worship
Has a strong focus on creation

Eucharistic Prayer 3 from Enriching our Worship
Also has a strong focus on creation

Alternative introduction to the Lord’s Prayer:

Let us pray for the coming of the kingdom as Jesus taught us.

An example of an Advent Prayer after Communion:

God of new beginnings,
you draw near to us in word and sacrament
to strengthen and renew us;
kindle in us the fire of your Spirit,
may your light so shine through us
that all may welcome your Son at his coming.
We ask this in the name of Jesus Emmanuel. Amen.