Return to Eucharistic Prayer 2
There are several ways of adapting this prayer. These include
1) The refrain may be removed. This results in a structure similar to the two
eucharistic prayers in Thanksgiving of the People of God.
If the refrain is removed, and an acclamation is desired after the institution
narrative, this could be introduced as follows:
And so we gather around your table
and with this bread of life
and this cup of salvation
we proclaim the mystery of our faith.
Christ has died,
Christ is risen,
Christ will come in glory.
2) The given (cue and) refrain could be replaced by a sung refrain well known to
the community (e.g. the line “Glory to God in the highest“). This might be
particularly effective if this prayer is sung. Then a musical phrase could cue an
alternative refrain.
3) The following consistent cue can replace the varying one above:
God of all creation
we worship and adore you.
4) An alternative concluding doxology is
Through Christ our Redeemer,
in the power of the Spirit,
all praise and thanks be yours, Creator God,
now and for ever.
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