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Search Results for: cataphatic

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Helping Young People Know
that God is not a Thing (Part 3)

This is from an article, written by me, which first appeared in our diocesan magazine Anglican Life (August-September 2017). Part 1 (which I recommend you read first) challenges a common image of God and prejudices about the nature of truth. Part 2 introduces the apophatic approach to complement the common cataphatic one. This post concludes

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Helping Young People Know
that God is not a Thing (Part 3)
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Helping Young People Know
that God is not a Thing (Part 2)

This is from an article, written by me, which first appeared in our diocesan magazine Anglican Life (August-September 2017). Part 1 (which I recommend you read first) challenges a common image of God and prejudices about the nature of truth. There is another aspect of spirituality and theology that I think we need to renew

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Helping Young People Know
that God is not a Thing (Part 2)
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