Recently I produced some badges to encourage the praying of the Liturgy of the Hours (the Daily Office). One of the four current ones is shown here. I am delighted to drop in to a blog and find the badge there.
The HTML for adding this badge to your blog or website is:
There are currently three alternative options for a community site, “Daily Office”, etc.. I have not yet spotted the badge on the website of a monastery or religious order that prays the Office. I hope that too will develop.
There is a growing movement that the Liturgy of the Hours, the Daily Office, is the prayer of the whole church. It has been more commonly prayed by monastics, clergy, and those in religious vows. Anglicanism, with its strongly Benedictine thread, has always encouraged the praying of the Office by all. Ecumenically there is a growing interest in this praying of the Bible. Vatican II was a great impetus to the movement. And there is also a growing development of monastic oblates and associates who are leading in the encouragement of praying the Liturgy of the Hours.
If you run a blog or website I encourage you to add the badge. Some have expressed concern to me that, although they would love to, they feel they cannot with integrity add the badge as they do not pray every office, or are irregular at it. Welcome 🙂 One of the values of the Liturgy of the Hours is our consciousness that it is happening all around the world all the time. When we pray it we are joining in with that prayer of Christ. That prayer continues even when we cannot add or are not currently adding our part in it.
If there is any problem with the badge, suggestion, or issue with its size or anything – please contact me. The enthusiasm about this badge may lead to the development of one or two others connected to worship.