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A weekly congregation of 10,000

The internet is an amazing place! Cyberspace is a new land in which we find and create community. Recently someone contacted me: “I always enjoy your blog Bosco, but of late, it has been even more enriching. I love how your blog is a true ecclesia for so many – church is above all people and that is what you bring forth the most.” Someone else wrote to me “we have friends in common because we all love your website! Thanks for all you do.” In the non-virtual world I am chaplain to a school with 660 students, preaching, presiding, teaching, marking, writing reports, coaching, pastoring… A very busy life. I only can continue to put energy into this site because the material I produce is clearly useful to many – this experience now forms a complementary part of my life. You encourage me to continue.

This website is a virtual congregation with about 10,000 people a week. About 3,000 pages are accessed daily. This post is thanking you for your encouragement. I was deeply moved when I received this email:

I write to thank you for your web site. I have recently developed an eye problem and find reading small print in books and the newspaper difficult but my family have set up my computer with a larger screen and print and I am now able to read from it. I am able to read from your pages morning prayer especially and begin my day. At 81 years life is good and I thank God I am able to do so much.
Again thank you for giving me the opportunity to do what has long been a part of my life.

An ordained minister in North America wrote to me this week “I visit your liturgy site…You are one of the few online liturgists that I truly respect.” Rev. Donald Schell, liturgist and previous rector of St. Gregory’s, San Francisco wrote:

Dear Bosco,
I’m moved and impressed by the breadth, imagination, openness, and rich resourcefulness of your website. I really loved seeing dancing at St. Gregory’s included with experience of a Christian Ashram, liturgy on the Congo River, the elephant processing at St. John the Divine and all. The spirit of Catholicity, embrace of humanity, mission, and compassionate good humor is so evident in everything I saw in the site. I’m sure with the worldwide interest in the New Zealand Prayer Book that your resource for planning liturgy with it will be very valuable to many, many people. Thank you for including the St. Gregory’s link; we certainly want to be a resource and inspiration to others (as you clearly do) and appreciate your offering others a way to see what we’re doing and learning. Great work and I’m sure it will be valuable to many people around the church worldwide.
Thank you!

Father John-Julian OJN monk of the Order of Julian of Norwich wrote

I UTTERLY admire your web-site and blogging! I can think of very few who even come close to your liturgical sensitivity and insights. I read you daily!

A couple of weeks ago the extremely thoughtful Kirkepiscatoid wrote:

Liturgy is probably the most academic blog I read. Although Bosco is dealing mostly with the New Zealand prayer book, his knowledge of liturgical worship and scholarship is astounding.

Then a couple of days ago I was blown away by Bishop Alan Wilson’s wonderful commendation:

Bosco PetersSpirituality and Liturgy Blog from NZ is one of the most thought provoking and informative reads out there — from the origins of Martinmas to Thomas Merton’s grandparents. Bosco deftly applies real knowledge and creative imagination to core anchor points of Christian praxis, with a seemingly constant stream of helpful and sometimes unique perspectives.

Thank you all for your encouragement and support. Thank you for the links from your sites and blogs, and for letting others know about this site. We are not only part of this newish experience in living together in cyberspace, we are part of a vibrant movement placing spirituality and worship as central, and having that unite us as a community. Let us pray for each other, for all who visit this site, and for all in cyberspace trying to enhance life.

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