On Pinterest, the Society of Saint John the Evangelist has just created an Advent Calendar. Brilliant! And simple!
What online resources have you or your community got for Advent?
Any other resources that you know about that you can also share with us
in the comments area below…
Amongst many other Advent resources, this site has
Advent collect December 2 reflection from the collect/opening prayer
Advent badges to put on your blog or website
Original, Southern Hemisphere Advent collects
An outline example and resources for an Advent Eucharist
Advent in the Southern Hemisphere
Don’t forget the Chapel.
And don’t forget to use the search box on the top right of this site
for example for “Advent”
or for “O Antiphon“
Last year we had huge amounts of traffic to this post: http://bigbible.org.uk/2011/12/advent-2011/ – some may still be relevant for this year!
Thanks, Bex. Excellent. Blessings.
I run a big Christmas information site and it will have an online Advent Calendar, where you can open a door each day and find out something about Christmas and the history of the Christmas Story: http://www.whychristmas.com/adventcalendar/
Thanks, James. Much appreciated. Blessings.
I use a Jesse Tree with my children. There are sites with kits to buy and make, others with printable ornaments, readings, etc. It helps them see the history of our salvation from the Redeemer promised in the Garden to the Child in the manger.
I like to keep the focus of Christmas on Christ and try to give them something to take their minds off the huge commercial aspect of Christmas. The Jesse Tree seems to help with that.
Also, gifts from Saint Nicholas on 6 December instead of “Santa” on Christmas morning helps a lot!
Great suggestions, Heidi. I advocate for St Nicholas too! Blessings.
Here are a couple of very different resources from two dear friends of mine – one in the UK and the other the US
PS hearty thanks for at least remembering that is IS Advent 🙂
Thanks, Eric. Blessings.