I encourage you, if you have not read my free book, Celebrating Eucharist, to do so now that I have updated the format. I wrote this book over a period of many years of consultation, and it was published in 1995. In 2006 I made it freely available on the internet – and that is essentially the beginning of this website.
Celebrating Eucharist is a guide and supplement to the Eucharist. It can be used by an individual to reflect on the Eucharist and its practices, or by a group – including for discussion. Yes, it is based around A New Zealand Prayer Book He Karakia Mihinare o Aotearoa but its principles easily transfer into other contexts.
I have, over the summer holidays, been working to rebuild the web pages of this book from RapidWeaver to WordPress (the content management system of this site). I hope your reading experience is now significantly easier. Previous to that I rebuilt those pages from DreamWeaver to RapidWeaver.
Rebuilding, many of you will know, is quite a task: creating a new page, copying the content, re-applying formatting, and then writing a 301 redirect so that links going to the old page are redirected to the new one (and Google Ranking is not lost).
I hope to improve the PDFs in time. And there are still a couple of chapters that are in the RapidWeaver format that I will fix as soon as possible. I am putting a link at the end of each chapter on the webpage version so that you can go easily to the next chapter, back to the previous chapter, or to the contents page.
I will continue to rebuild other old pages, and improve the content, presentation, and navigation of this, one of the best little spirituality websites on the web.

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Father B, is the only difference in the pdf version that now instead of one large pdf, there is a pdf for each chapter? Are there other updates?
No – there are no other changes to the pdfs, Br David. I am just putting time and energy into rebuilding the web pages – all part of getting the whole site over to WordPress. This will benefit the site in so many ways. Blessings.
Looking forward, Bosco, to your mid-Lenten Course talk (Sunday, 6 March) after the 10am Sung Mass at Saint Michael and All Angels, Christchurch. These talks, by outside Speakers for each Sunday of Lent, will do much to enhance our own, local, congregation’s understanding of the Anglican Church’s Evangelical Catholic and Apostolic roots in celebrating Christ’s Real Presence in the Mass
One would hope that anyone in Christchurch who reads your blog would feel welcome to attend these talks – especially the one on ‘The Mass’, that you will be speaking about. The more people who understand the centrality of Eucharistic worship for the empowering and the undergirding of their faith, hope and love, in Christ, the better. Thanks for your time and effort expended in this mission of worship appreciation.
Thanks, as always, Fr Ron, for your encouragement, and your own ministry (online and offline). I am sure the parish will promote the series widely, including through diocesan news channels. And a reminder to anyone reading this – you can come after worship in your own community, if that works better than being part of the St Michael’s Eucharist. Blessings.