You can follow it (and presumably contribute) at the Christianity in the Digital Space blog, on the Digital Space Symp twitter and with the twitter hashtags #digisymp (please ignore previous indications of #digsymp or #digitalsymp which were typos from
The Digital Revolution is changing the way we relate, communicate and even think. What are the implications for Christian faith and spirituality? What will the church look like in the digital age? What does it mean to be a disciple in a digital world?
Christianity in the Digital Space will bring together 60 Christians who are working online. We will meet, share experiences and discuss issues, opportunities and challenges that digital technology raises for the Christian faith.
At the heart of the conference will be a series of group “conversations” on issues arising for Christians in the digital space. Conversation topics include:
* Is there a distinctive emerging digital spirituality?
* What room for the Bible in the digital environment
* What is the experience of online church and other forms of community?
* What happens to authority in a Wikipedia culture?
* What are the opportunities and risks for Christian mission and evangelism?
Digital Christianity might be good for people in rura areas; my worry is for folk in cities who might be teetering on the edge of internet addiction. On the other hand, it could be a good introduction to Christianity.