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Search Results for: psalms


Why are there Two Different Numbers for the Same Psalm?

The issue has come up again recently: why are there often two different numbers for the same psalm? The Hebrew Bible counted the psalms one way. The Septuagint translation of the Hebrew Bible into Greek counted many psalms slightly differently. The early Christians used the Septuagint, and then went on to translate into Latin (the

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Why are there Two Different Numbers for the Same Psalm? Read More »


The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, made media waves when he acknowledged he has doubts. In the interview with Lucy Tegg (video above, start at 12:00 minutes in), he candidly says, “There are moments, sure, where you think ‘Is there a God? Where is God?’” When asked, “Do you ever doubt?”, he replies, “Yes. I

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Doubting Read More »