Let us pray (in silence) [that we grow into Christ’s new life]
O God,
from whom all good things come,
grant that,
by your inspiration,
we may discern what is right,
and by your merciful guiding may do it;
through Jesus Christ
who is alive with you,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever.
Textweek resources (off this website).
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I really appreciate your work on the collects. I am constantly annoyed by the wordy, ill-formed collects which appear in our Lectionary. They feel like feeding birds crumbs on a windy day – lots of disparate thoughts scattered on the wind. This one, for Week 10, is a model of precision which bears constant repetition and so drives us ever deeper into who we are. It is general enough for me to pray it as part of a congregation now, and in the company of all God’s people of every time, yet it hits a very personal mark. I think that when we are constantly inventing new liturgical words we provide a distraction from letting the words sink deeply into us and form us as a community.
Thanks so much, David, for your encouragement of this project of mine – trying to use our great Western collect tradition for our contemporary context. I strongly agree with you about having quality resources that bear repetition (and are not simply throw-away, one-use) – and then actually wearing them smooth through repeated use and treasuring. If you read my commentary, you may have noticed I’ve used this particular collect twice recently (Easter 6; Ordinary 10) – I still think that is possible; there is a bit of distance between the uses (tell me if you disagree). I’m working towards a one-year cycle, which also means repeated use. Blessings.