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Saints in Common

All Saints

After a recent comment on this site, I was encouraged to look at the Calendar of feast days in A New Zealand Prayer Book He Karakia Mihinare o Aotearoa (ANZPBHKMA) to see which celebrations Anglicans here shared with Roman Catholics. ANZPBHKMA started with a principal that there be only one celebration on a day and so moved some traditional feast days around – this means sometimes Roman Catholics and Anglicans here celebrate a feast day a day or more apart. Particularly as that principal has been abandoned as the Prayer Book has been revised, I think those originally moved dates are worthy of revisiting. Having said that, some double-celebrations seem bizarre: we know the day Brother Roger of Taize was killed, why do we celebrate the Holy Women of the Old Testament on the same day – can’t they be celebrated on a day with no other person being remembered?

Do point out if I have made any mistakes. Some observations are made at the end.


2 Seraphim of Sarov, Mystic, Russia, 1833
5 The Eve of the Epiphany
6 The Epiphany of our Lord Jesus Christ
or The Revelation of Christ to the Gentiles
13 Hilary, Bishop of Poitiers, Teacher of the Faith, c.367
17 Antony of Egypt, Abbot, 356
21 Agnes, Child-Martyr at Rome, c.304
22 Vincent, Spanish Deacon and Martyr, Saragossa, c.304
25 The Conversion of St Paul
26 Timothy and Titus, Companions of St Paul
27 John Chrysostom, Bishop of Constantinople,
Teacher of the Faith, 407
28 Thomas Aquinas, Teacher of the Faith, 1274

The Feast of The Baptism of the Lord is observed on The First Sunday after the Epiphany


1 Brigid of Ireland, Abbess, c.525
2 The Presentation of Jesus in the Temple
3 Anskar, Archbishop of Hamburg, Missionary to Denmark and Sweden, 865
5 The Martyrs of Japan, 1597
14 Cyril, 869, and Methodius, 885, Missionaries to the Slavs
22 The Confession of St Peter
23 Polycarp, Bishop of Smyrna, Martyr, c.156
24 St Matthias the Apostle


1 David, Bishop, Patron Saint of Wales, c.601
7 Perpetua and her Companions, Martyrs at Carthage, 203
12 Gregory the Great, Bishop of Rome, Teacher of the Faith, 604
17 Patrick, Bishop, Patron Saint of Ireland, 461
18 Cyril of Jerusalem, Bishop, Teacher of the Faith, 386
19 Joseph of Nazareth
20 Cuthbert, Bishop of Lindisfarne, Missionary, 687
24 Gabriel, Archangel
25 The Annunciation of our Saviour to the Blessed Virgin Mary


3 Richard of Chichester, Bishop, 1253
21 Anselm, Archbishop of Canterbury, Teacher of the Faith, 1109
23 George, Martyr, Patron Saint of England, c.304
26 St Mark the Evangelist
29 Catherine of Siena, Teacher of the Faith, 1380


1 St Philip and St James, Apostles
2 Athanasius, Bishop of Alexandria, Teacher of the Faith, 373
8 Dame Julian of Norwich, Mystic, 1417
9 Gregory of Nazianzus, Bishop of Constantinople,
Teacher of the Faith, 389
19 Dunstan, Archbishop of Canterbury and Reformer, 988
25 The Venerable Bede of Jarrow, Teacher of the Faith, 735
26 Augustine, first Archbishop of Canterbury, Missionary, 605
31 The Visitation of Mary to Elizabeth (or 2 July)


1 Justin, Martyr at Rome, c.165
5 Boniface, Bishop of Mainz, Missionary, Martyr, 754
9 Columba of Iona, Abbot, Missionary, 597
11 St Barnabas the Apostle
13 Antony of Padua, Missionary, Preacher,
Teacher of the Faith, 1231
14 Basil the Great, Bishop of Caesarea in Cappadocia, Teacher of the Faith, 379
22 Alban, first Martyr of Britain, c.304
24 St John the Baptist
28 Irenaeus, Bishop of Lyons, Teacher of the Faith, c.200
29 St Peter and St Paul, Apostles, Martyrs


6 Thomas More, Scholar, 1535
11 Benedict of Nursia, Abbot of Monte Cassino, c.550
13 Silas, Companion of St Paul
15 Swithun, Bishop of Winchester, c.862, Translated 971
22 St Mary Magdalene
25 St James and St John, Apostles
Christopher, Martyr, c.250
26 Anne, Mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary
28 Mary and Martha of Bethany
31 Joseph of Arimathea


2 Chad, Bishop of Lichfield, Missionary, 672
4 John Baptist Vianney, Curé d’Ars, Priest, 1859
5 Oswald, King of Northumbria, Martyr, 642
6 The Transfiguration of the Beloved Son
8 Dominic, Priest, 1221
Mary MacKillop, Teacher, 1909
10 Laurence, Deacon and Martyr at Rome, 258
11 Clare of Assisi, Abbess, 1253
14 Maximilian Kolbe, Priest, Martyr, Auschwitz, 1941
15 St Mary, the Mother of Jesus
20 Bernard of Clairvaux, Abbot, Poet, 1153
23 Rose of Lima, Mystic, 1617
24 St Bartholomew (Nathanael) the Apostle
27 Monica, Mother of Augustine of Hippo, 387
28 Augustine, Bishop of Hippo, Teacher of the Faith, 430
29 The Beheading of St John the Baptist
31 Aidan, Bishop of Lindisfarne, Missionary, 651


5 Mother Teresa of Calcutta, Missionary of Charity, 1997
8 The Birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of our Lord
13 Cyprian, Bishop of Carthage, Martyr, 258
14 Holy Cross Day
16 Ninian, Bishop in Galloway, Missionary, c.432
17 Hildegarde of Bingen, Mystic, Religious, 1179
19 Theodore of Tarsus, Archbishop of Canterbury, 690
21 St Matthew, Apostle, Evangelist
29 St Michael and All Angels
30 Jerome, Priest, Teacher of the Faith,
Translator of the Scriptures, 420


1 Suzanne Aubert, Religious,
Social Reformer, 1926 [Update: Mother Aubert is not yet acknowledged on the RC Calendar]
2 The Holy Guardian Angels
4 Francis of Assisi, Friar, 1226
8 Bridget (Birgitta) of Sweden, Mystic, Religious,
Patron Saint of Sweden, 1373
15 Teresa of Avila, Teacher of the Faith, 1582
17 Ignatius, Bishop of Antioch, Martyr, c.107
18 St Luke the Evangelist
23 James of Jerusalem, Brother of the Lord, Martyr, c.62
24 Raphael, Archangel
28 St Simon and St Jude, Apostles


1 All Saints’ Day
2 All Souls’ Day
3 Martin of Porres, Monk, Peru, 1639
7 Willibrord, Archbishop of Utrecht, Missionary, 739
10 Leo the Great, Bishop of Rome, Teacher of the Faith, 461
11 Martin, Bishop of Tours, 397
16 Margaret, Queen of Scotland, 1093
17 Hilda, Abbess of Whitby, 680
18 Hugh, Bishop of Lincoln, 1200
19 Elizabeth of Hungary, Princess, 1231
20 Mechtild of Magdeburg, Mystic, Prophet, 1280
22 Cecilia, Martyr at Rome, c.230
23 Clement, Bishop of Rome, Martyr, c.100
30 St Andrew, Apostle, Martyr


3 Francis Xavier, Missionary, 1552
6 Nicholas, Bishop of Myra, c.342
7 Ambrose, Bishop of Milan, Teacher of the Faith, 397
13 Lucy, Martyr, Syracuse, c.304
21 St Thomas, Apostle, Martyr (or 3 July)
24 The Eve and Vigil of Christmas
25 The Birth of our Lord Jesus Christ – Christmas Day
26 St Stephen, the first Christian Martyr (or 3 August)
27 St John the Evangelist (or 6 May)
28 The Holy Innocents (or 16 February)
29 Thomas of Canterbury, Bishop, Martyr, 1170

Depending on how one counts, 123 of ANZPBHKMA’s 206 celebrations are shared with Roman Catholics here. That’s 60%. That is hugely positive ecumenically. What I also noticed about the other 40% is that ANZPBHKMA not only celebrates links with the wider church catholic, but it is more solidly, incarnationally rooted in the soil in the South Pacific – we celebrate names of people in the Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia who encourage our Christian faith in this place. There is also some recognition of other denominations. I also think it is worth reflecting how the ANZPBHKMA is open to celebrating non-Anglicans, even those who explicitly spoke and worked against Anglicanism.

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