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Search Results for: daily office

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In social media, there’s a Throwback Thursday tradition of looking back. In that spirit, I’ve been encouraged to look back at the statistics and see what people have actually been reading on this website. I’m heartened. Over the years, the greatest interest has been shown in The Liturgy of the hours, the Daily Office, Daily

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Carthusian Rosary


October 7 was the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary, and October is, traditionally, the month of the Rosary. The 150 recitations of the Hail Mary was, obviously, connected to the monastic praying of the 150 psalms (especially for those without books or who could not read). The recent addition of another 50 Hail

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Lent 1

Let us pray (in silence) [to follow Christ more closely] pause God of the desert,Jesus was led by the Spiritto fast forty days in the wildernessand was tempted as we are, yet without sin;give us grace to observe the disciplines of Lent;and, as you know our weakness,so may we know your power to save; through

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