Let us pray (in silence) [that through the fifty days of Easter, the Risen Christ will touch and transform our lives]
Grant, we pray, O God, [or Almighty God]
that we, who share in the paschal celebrations,
may, through your goodness,
hold fast to them
in the way we live our lives;
through Jesus Christ
who is alive with you,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever.
This is an ancient collect. It has been used on this particular Sunday for centuries, but, originally with its past tense (“who have celebrated“), after Vatican II and the renewal of the Easter Season to fifty days, it was moved to the last day of this season. I am suggesting something different: leave it here, on this Sunday, but (as I have above) change the tense to present continuous (I have made it “who share in”).
You can find more on this collect here: Second Sunday of Easter.
This coming Sunday also has a number of different titles: Low Sunday, Quasimodo Sunday, Dominica in albis depositis, Pascha clausum, and most recently, Divine Mercy Sunday. Again, you can find out more about these titles at: Second Sunday of Easter.
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image: John Granville Gregory’s Still Doubting