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week starting September 25

The Collect

I am attempting my own version of the collects, and rework this week’s one as:

O God,
you declare your almighty power
above all by showing mercy and compassion;
grant us the fullness of your grace,
that we, who are running to obtain your promises,
may be partakers of your heavenly treasure;

through Jesus Christ
who is alive with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God now and for ever.

It is shared by Roman Catholics, Anglicans, and others. Please send me any comments and constructive suggestions about my version of the collect, or include it in the comments section below. I’m quite happy with this one – I do wonder if those who take no time reading it aloud end up with “…your almighty power above all…”
collect/opening prayer reflection for September 25 and the week following (BCP TEC USA and also the Roman Catholic Church)
collect/opening prayer reflection for September 25 and the week following (NZPB following the Prayer Book)
collect/opening prayer reflection for September 25 and the week following (NZPB following the lectionary)

The Readings

scripture readings
textweek resources

A creation reading of the lectionary

Exodus could lead in to a very effective reflection on issues relating to water, its use, abuse, shortage, problems,… Ezekiel points to everything belonging to God, we are caretakers of everything. This fits with the Matthew reading in which we co-operate with God in God’s work in creation. Philippians can lead to a reflection on incarnation, God takes on full humanity and is united to creation which is sacred and good.
Drawn from Creation Season where you will find further resources.

Commentary on the Sunday reading from Waiapu Academy

St Michael and All Angels September 29

images source
Please add ideas for sermons, hymns, Creation Season, etc.

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4 thoughts on “week starting September 25”

  1. A very valuable exercise, Bosco! Your translation is certainly truer to the original than the 1662 vandalism of Cranmer’s version. I wonder, though, does “mercy and compassion” really capture parcendo and miserando? And I know that “partaker” is a standard translation of consors; but its root sors (“chance, lot”) makes me think of us all wanting to be “thrown in together” in a happy fate, like Dom Christian de Chergé’s “happy good thieves” in Paradise. So perhaps, “that we who are running to obtain your promises may find it our happy lot to share in your heavenly treasure”? Maybe that leaves too much to chance!

    And just for fun, I wonder if there could ever be a way to capture in English the nifty alliteration in the Latin original (… maxime et miserando manifestas; multiplica…).

    “O God, who manifest your might most markedly in motions of mercy, mete out upon us marathoners measurelessly to merit the mammon of the EM-pyrean mansions…” 🙂

    1. Thanks so much, Jesse. I appreciate your points more than you might realise. I’m trying to do more than just provide a translation of the Latin original – I am keeping an eye on various versions and wanting something that is usable in the 21st century. Blessings.

    1. As I mentioned to Jesse, Joel, I am not solely working from the Latin originals, but holding that as one version alongside others. The Latin is usually in the commentary that I provide each week, as I did in this week’s link. Blessings.

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