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Sabbath Torah reading 5 Nisan, 5771

The Torah reading today, 5 Nisan, 5771 (April 9 2011) in the synagogue is called Metzora Leviticus 14:1-15:33 Last week I mentioned The Chumash: The Stone Edition (ArtScroll (Mesorah)) which gives the 54 constituent weekly Torah portions (parashiyyot) with translation and commentary. We have already discussed the issue with translating יהוה and the problems with

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Sabbath Torah reading 5 Nisan, 5771 Read More »

You know you live in Christchurch when

·         Geonet / ChristchurchQuakeMap is your homepage ·         The rest of the country offers you a place to stay ·         “Munted” and “buggered” are official technical terms ·         You go ‘pfffff’ when Wellington has a 4.5 earthquake that’s 40km deep ·         You see a nice park in another city and think it would make a

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You know you live in Christchurch when Read More »