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Saint Bruno

500 Years Since St Bruno’s Canonisation

Saint BrunoThe Religious Order that Saint Bruno founded, the Carthusians, have a saying, “Non sanctos patefacere sed multos sanctos facere.” “To make saints, not to publicize them.” It is appropriate, then, that Saint Bruno himself was never formally canonised.

But the cardinal protector of the Carthusian order, in a deed dated July 19, 1514, gave the assurance that the order had obtained the Pope’s verbal permission to celebrate the liturgical memorial of St. Bruno. Hence the celebration on Saturday of that anniversary.

In 1623 Pope Gregory XV included him in the General Roman Calendar for celebration on 6 October.

St Bruno and the Carthusians have long been an inspiration for me, and there is much on this website about translating this austere lifestyle into fruitful spirituality and disciplines beyond their hermitage walls.

you called Bruno to serve you
in a life of solitude,
inspired by his example,
may our hearts be fixed on you
amidst the swift and varied changes of the world,
through Jesus, the Christ,
who is alive with you
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever. Amen.


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