In the spirit of throw-back Thursday, and following yesterday’s post on the Anglo-Catholic Hui and an evangelism that is contemplative, catechumenal, ecclesial, sacramental, prophetic, and beautiful, I want to offer again the six points I presented at the first Anglo-Catholic Hui.
In the nineteenth century, Anglo-Catholicism fought for six points:
- altar candles,
- Eucharistic vestments,
- the eastward position (the priest at the altar with his back to the people, rather than standing at the North side of it),
- wafer bread,
- the mixed chalice (adding water to the wine),
- and incense.
Here are my 6 new points that I sketched out for 21st Century Anglo-Catholic spirituality, six dimensions/aspects of catholic spirituality for Anglicans. They are both characteristics and challenges:
1) Sacramental & incarnational
2) Orthodox – that includes reclaiming the word; Trinitarian – not individualistic
3) Disciplined – spiritual direction; confession; learning from great traditions of religious orders: Benedictine, Franciscan,…
4) Social justice – back to 19th century roots connected to Christian Socialism; poor; urban – now including environmental issues
5) Comfortable with mystery, ambiguity, non-literal, doubt, uncertainty, being wrong
6) Humour – parties (including Jesus’ example and teaching)
Read more here.
Hi Bosco,
Your new Marks of Anglo-Catholicism give food for thought. Thank you.
How about adding Intellectually Rigorous Education?
The Catholic Churches, of both the Italianate and Anglo Traditions, have always set great store by intellectually rigorous and socially responsible education. Between them they are the world’s largest providers of such education.
In fact, to many people, it is these educational institutions from kindergartens to universities, that make the Church present in the world. It also facilitates the kind of discussion we are having now, and hopefully you have every day with the young people in your care.
Sure, Peter – a really good point. We would, I think, end up with seven – a good, holy number 🙂 Blessings.