Let us pray (in silence) [that we may manifest God’s love for all]
God, [or God of mystery]
by the leading of a star,
on this day you revealed your only begotten one
to the gentiles,
lead us,
who have already come to know you by faith,
all the way to the contemplation of the beauty of your glory,
through Jesus Christ, our Saviour,
who is alive with you,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever.
Read more about the history, usage, and reflection on this Epiphany prayer here.
I certainly understand those in the Southern Hemisphere who yearn for and pretend they are in the dreary winter of the Northern Hemisphere where they are always happy to have yet another celebration to interrupt the bleakness, and so welcome the counting of 12 days from Christmas Day to Wednesday next week, but Roman Catholics, who form the majority of calendar-following Christians in Australasia, celebrate Epiphany this Sunday, 3 January 2021. So, if you are in Australasia and want to be praying “common prayer” this Sunday with most Christians in the region, Epiphany is your option.
The relatively small group of people in the Anglican Church of Or in New Zealand who at this time of year are celebrating the Daily Office and/or Daily Eucharist are provided with four pages of options in our Lectionary booklet so that no one knows who is praying what here. Just at the time when fewer are attending to their daily devotional disciplines (most are busy with the liturgies of the beach, of camping, and of barbecues!) the Anglican Church of Or is completely out of step with its context and outdoing itself by providing the most options possible!
Alternatively to celebrating Epiphany this Sunday:
Provisions for Christmas 2
This post will be put up on Thursday 31 December.
This post will be put up on Friday 1 January.
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Preaching Resources Down Under
Whether you regard the Christmas Season as concluding on Christmas Day, Epiphany, the Baptism of the Lord, Candlemas, the Sunday following Candlemas, or are Orthodox, or Armenian, and celebrate the Incarnation on another day and see the season differently… in the Southern Hemisphere, and certainly in Aotearoa-New Zealand, this is our go-slow time… posts may be less frequent than usual. Use the search box to find things of interest. Do check out:
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