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Advent 2 resources

Textweek resources

collect/opening prayer reflection Advent 2 December 5 and week following [NZPB & BCP TEC USA]

collect/opening prayer reflection Advent 2 December 5 and week following [Common Worship CofE]

Collect/opening prayer from the RC “Received Text”:

Almighty and merciful God,
may no earthly undertaking hinder those
who set out in haste to meet your Son,
but may our learning of heavenly wisdom
gain us admittance to his company.
Who lives and reigns with you…

This translates:

Omnípotens et miséricors Deus, in tui occúrsum Fílii festinántes nulla ópera terréni actus impédiant, sed sapiéntiae caeléstis erudítio nos fáciat eius esse consórtes. Qui tecum.

Full Received text here

A critique of the translation by by Xavier Rindfleisch of this particular opening prayer is found here

Xavier Rindfleisch argues the earlier 2008 translation presented was better:

Almighty and merciful God,
let no earthly endeavor hinder those who hasten to meet your Son,
but let our learning of heavenly wisdom make us his companions.
Who lives and reigns with you…

The source of this prayer is from Advent in the Gelasian Sacramentary (composed 627-715). Not having been included in the Hadrianum (785-786) it fell into disuse until the revisions of Vatican II.

Original, Southern Hemisphere Advent collects
An outline example and resources for an Advent Eucharist
Advent in the Southern Hemisphere

Advent penitence

O Antiphons chants

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PDF file of NZ Lectionary 2011 1.24 MB

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