There’s plenty of description of and reflection on the Camino, online and offline.
Tim Anderson is one of the first people I spoke to about my hopes to walk the Camino. His blog, on his walking of the Camino Del Norte, was one of my first, more-careful exploration of what this might mean for me.
One of the people I grew closest to on the Camino is Fr. Bart Hutcherson, OP (photo above, on the Camino, of one of the many times we said “goodbye”). He is a priest of the Dominican Province of the Most Holy Name of Jesus in Western USA. He had started walking from Lourdes, France. He blogged as he went.
In this blog post, Bart talks specifically about the people he met, and re-met:
…Bosco and Helen are the Camino Community that keeps popping up in my Camino life. They are a couple from New Zealand who are married 36 years. They have traveled extensively and we find lots and lots to talk about when we walk together. We have often said goodbye to each other thinking that our different itineraries would cause us to go our separate ways; but somehow we keep finding our way back to each other. So we have stopped saying goodbye. We have shared life stories and Camino expectations, we have prayed together, eaten together, walked and rested together….
But incredibly, Minnie and Bart having just bumped into each other in Santiago de Compostela, he spotted us, totally unexpectedly, and we could be at several Pilgrims’ Masses together (including when he concelebrated and put the incense into the Botofumeiro!) and have a final, farewell, flash meal out together.

Kelvin Wright, Anglican Bishop of Dunedin, has previously walked the Camino Frances, and recently walked about 400km of the Camino Del Norte along the Bay of Biscay and then changed route to the Camino Primitivo. This link is to the posts on his excellent site that refer to the Camino.
I did not blog whilst on pilgrimage, but I am blogging about the Camino now, and my blog posts on the Camino can be found by clicking that link.
At least two other blogs spring to mind, but I cannot locate either – although I have visited both before. It is possible that the sites are down temporarily, or they have been taken down permanently. If you can locate them, please add them in the comments. One is by Rev. Peter Beck, who walked the Camino whilst Dean of Christchurch and gave helpful suggestions in preparation – as far as I recall, his blog is called “The Dean’s Walk”.
Another, is a blog mainly of video clips, taken during the time I walked the Camino (and including some clips with me in them). I’m almost certain that the site was, but that currently doesn’t get to a site.
If you have a Camino blog, or website, or resource, or know of such, that you find useful and/or inspiring, do add this in the comments below.
Then there are DVD resources:
The Way [Blu-ray]
Walking the Camino: Six Ways to Santiago
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I wonder whether you are looking for these blogs:
Like you, I was unable to find the pages of the Dean Peter Beck, but the (broken)link was mentioned here: I am afraid they altered the CC cathedral Homepage after the earthquake 🙁 .
Thanks, Dagmar. To the first links: I found those also in my attempts to find Bob – this is a year or so before the one I sought, and without the videos – but good to see anyway. And yes, the redirect from the link didn’t get to Peter’s site. Blessings.