I recently read about a convent that lent out wedding dresses for brides. People donate their wedding dress and so there is a good supply of hundreds to choose from. A sister alters the dress to fit. People can leave a donation in gratitude.
It seems yet another example of creative mission and ministry. There seems to me no reason why it cannot be replicated in each diocese.
I have often written here about my concern about church losing its mission and ministry with funerals and weddings, traditionally important points to make connections. The context has not changed to the point where that tradition is not possible – it just seems the church has too often lost the imagination or energy to continue with it.
Some in the church will even chide those who are living together without benefit of matrimony. Very often that is because of financial limitations. Well here is an invitation, a challenge to set that right: set up a free wedding dress ministry. And accompany that with other support for couples considering marriage.
To keep costs low for couples marrying is a great way to be involved in people’s lives. To be there at the most joyful and the saddest part of life has long been the church’s prerogative.
This seems a creative way for the church to be involved in mission.