I regularly am bemused to find people (usually calling themselves “evangelical“) asking “what is the Gospel?” and debating and arguing with each other what the Gospel is. Scot McKnight’s 17 minute talk may be quite a challenge for such people. For the rest of us, I also think the talk is worth the watch. Enjoy! H/T Phil McCarthy

Hi Bosco thoughts on postliberal theology?
Fodor James “The contemporary Scene: Reappropriating Traditions- Postliveral Theology” pp229-248 in The Modern Theologians; An Introduction to Christian Theology Since 1918 3rd edition ed Ford David F. and Muers Rachel (Oxford, Blackwell Publishing, 2005)
Karl Barth; new intep Martin Luther and Thomas Aquinas and renewal with in Catholic Church
a lose grouping of work by
Pg 229
George Lindbeck and Hans Frei
Stanley Hauerwas, Ronald Thiemann, James Buckley, Joseph DiNoia, Garrett Green, George Hunsinger, William Wepehowski, Bruce Marshall, William Placher, Kathryn Tanner
John Millbank, Catherine Pickstock and Graham Ward
Peter Ochs, David Ford and Daniel Hardy
noting the phases origins in Lindbeck’s The Nature of Doctrine: Religion and Theology in a Postliberal Age (1984)