Almighty God,
Read commentary here
whose blessed apostles Peter and Paul
glorified you by their martyrdom:
Grant that your Church,
instructed by their teaching and example,
and knit together in unity by your Spirit,
may ever stand firm upon the one foundation,
which is Jesus Christ our Lord;
who lives and reigns with you,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever.
Feast Day of Sts Peter and Paul
June 29 (Gregorian Calendar)
July 12 (Julian Calendar)
The story as we have it is that Peter and Paul were martyred in Rome under the Emperor Nero, Peter being crucified head down at his own request, and Paul, being a Roman citizen and, therefore, not able to be crucified according to Roman law, was beheaded.
The Gospel has Peter, the fisherman, following Jesus immediately. Jesus gave Simon, as he was first called, the nickname “Rock” (Peter).
Paul’s story is quite different. Saul, as he was known, was raised in the strictest possible tradition of Pharisaic Judaism and was a Pharisee himself. He persecuted followers of the Way. His letters are written to local churches.
Peter and Paul hold together the tension between the universal church and the local church.
In Roman Catholicism, this feast has the rank of a ‘Solemnity’.
You can reflect more on this feast by reading this post by Peter Edmonds SJ, tutor in biblical studies at Campion Hall, University of Oxford.
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