General Synod of the Anglican Church of Canada is being held at St. Mary’s University in Halifax, Nova Scotia, from June 3 to 11, 2010. The Vision 2019 presentation on June 4, 2010 opened with the above evocative video.
For a full schedule of General Synod events, consult the Agenda and the Orders of the Day.
It is good to see a church in mission and ministry in the 21st century, taking for granted the opportunities offered in contemporary communication technology.
I knew your last paragraph before I read it. I knew all these links was leading to that end.
Ironically enough, General Synod asked delegates not to tweet from the floor… not that everyone is following that request! It seems fooling to me, though, to allow laptops into synod but ask people not to use facebook or twitter? In some ways the debate going on on twitter is enhancing the debate and it is more engaging for those of us who are not delegates but want to know what our national synod is talking about! The twitter hash tag for our general synod is #gs2010 and there is a list of participants/observers at
At the synod for the Diocese of British Columbia back in March, we had some serious twitter feed coming out there – so much so that it made it on some of the TV and newspaper networks!
Not tweet from the floor! Maybe you could tweet in the air 🙂 TEC’s GC was certainly a significant event on twitter. With much prayer etc happening certainly within the twitterverse. (@liturgy)