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Search Results for: Thomas Merton

Ordinary 11

Let us pray (in silence) [that we grow in unity with God – the source of all good] pause O God,the strength of all who hope in you,mercifully accept our prayers,and, because through the weakness of our mortal naturewe can do nothing without you,grant us the help of your grace,that in following your commandswe may

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Ordinary 11 Read More »

Celebrating Eucharist
Chapter 25 – The Calendar

The Prayer Book (page 11) allows for commemorations additional to those recorded in the Calendar (pages 1425). The following provide some suggestions which might be celebrated on the given date or transferred to a nearby one. January 10 William Laud, Archbishop of Canterbury, Martyr, 1645 13 George Fox, Founder of the Society of Friends, England,

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Celebrating Eucharist
Chapter 25 – The Calendar
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