In response to someone viewing my video on the Liturgy of the Notices, they emailed me a genuine notice from their parish bulletin. I have permission to quote it here – I have removed locations to keep anonymity:
Joan of Arc/Pentecost BBQ— Sun., May 31st after the 5:45 p.m. Mass (Parish of St Ann O’Nymous) Come out to Ann O’Nymous location after Mass to celebrate the feasts of Joan of Arc and Pentecost with a bonfire and BBQ!
On a more serious note, what about, on the Day of Pentecost, processing out with lit candles:
Everyone carried a candle lit from the Paschal Candle during the Easter vigil, symbolically sharing the light of the risen Christ. Perhaps on the Day of Pentecost, during the period of reflection after receiving communion, these candles could be relit from the Paschal Candle. The Pentecostal fire is thereby visibly divided and shared by everyone (cf. Acts 2:1-4; first reading for the Day of Pentecost, Three Year Series). The Paschal Candle can then be extinguished, vividly concluding the Fifty Days. The risen and ascended Christ, gone from our sight, is still present by the Spirit and we are commissioned to go out into the world to spread the light of Christ. (This might be symbolised by all processing out with the lit candles).
A reflection on the Day of Pentecost collect/opening prayer
As the Day of Pentecost concludes a season, this collect would not be used during the week following. Instead, the Ordinary Sunday that this day replaces (9th Ordinary Sunday of the Year – Sunday closest to June 1 – Sunday between 29 May and 4 June) is the collect that is used if required during this week.
An outline for a vigil for the Day of Pentecost
Two great treasures –
Dreyer’s legendary film, Passion of Joan of Arc (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Passion_of_joan_of_arc), is available to watch for free at http://gloria.tv/?media=27066
Messiaen’s Pentecost Mass is available to listen to at –
Fire..not so funny when you live in California.
But I must admit, the BBQ St. Joan of Arc/Pentecost celebration is pretty funny.
Instead of BBQ for PENTECOST, why not try:
(1) “The Pocket Fisherman” sandwich, or
(2) “The Pocket Prostitute” sandwich.
In honor of Jonah/Simon Bar-Jonah…
The Pocket Fisherman: hollow pocketed unleavened flatbread stuffed with roasted/dried/salted seaweed, Crown Prince brand Kipper Snacks, and white cream cheese or sour cream.
In honor of Mary Magdalene/Joan of Iris(Arc)…
The Pocket Prostitute: hollow pocketed unleavened flatbread stuffed with white cream cheese or sour cream, pineapple puree/preserves/jam, and strawberry puree/preserves/jam.
ALSO… in honor of Elisha/John Bar-Zebedee…add a donkey pinata stuffed with candy for the kids as part of your backyard celebration (or indoors).