Here is a link to is a reflection on the collect/opening prayer for the sixth Sunday of Easter, May 17.
[Whilst the formulary, the NZPrayer Book p704 surprisingly has the “Stir up…” collect we usually associate with the Sunday before Advent, the 2009 lectionary points to the above collect instead]
Here is a link to is a reflection on the collect/opening prayer vrom BCP (TEC) for the sixth Sunday of Easter, May 17.
I am looking for the lectionary readings for the year 2009.
I should also appreciate comments on these readings
Greetings Barry
The NZ Lectionary is provided here:
The links from this site provide high quality resources elsewhere:
Particularly you would find value in the worship and lectionary resources.
The two search boxes on this page also give a wealth of resources. From time to time comments on readings have also been provided on this site.
Hope that helps.