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Bosco Peters
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Snoopy is a Quaker, then?
All of the time! I think that a healthy dab of self-sceptism is good.
I like it.
I Love this
It’s not so very long ago I had the entire Peanuts Corpus and hardly any cartoon failed not only to make me laugh, but also to say something significant.
There are two interesting little books by Robert Short – The Gospel according to Peanuts and The Parables of Peanuts. Both have some illuminating things to say – and if I remember rightly throw in some Kierkegaard for good measure 🙂
Thanks, Eric. Yes, I have both of those. People can obtain them here:
The Parables of Peanuts
The Gospel According to Peanuts
Looking those two up, I hadn’t realised, but there is actually a third, which I don’t have, but I will get:
Short Meditations on the Bible and Peanuts
Thank you Bosco
A quick search at bookish.co.nz reveals it is almost $10 (30%) cheaper inc. shipping at Bookdepository UK
The link is here and HT to Alec Clarke for the direction to Bookish for finding the best deals
Thanks, Eric. I knew about bookdepository – but not about bookish. Thanks for that link. Blessings.
Very Funny!
To whomever keeps coming over to my blog from here – THANKS very much!
“Never Fail – What I mean by that, is fail a lot!”
Really – I see someone coming from here almost daily – thanks for visiting my blog.
THANKS very much! Hope it’s a blessing!
“Never Fail – What I mean by that, is fail a lot!”