I have written previously about the hundreds, the thousands of spam messages sent to this site. They are mostly caught by the spam filter. Occasionally some are not. And some the filter checks if it is a human rather than a bot and asks you a question.
I have said previously that I do not know if the amount of spam received here is inordinate. There was a site where the moderator regularly complained of the amount of spam and finally shut down the site claiming that the quantity of spam was caused by concerted attack by liberals of his more conservative position. Others see the deluge as a sign of satanic displeasure and hence that they are on the right path! I have no opinion whether this site is being conscientiously targeted either by Satan, liberals, conservatives, or fundamentalists 🙂
I am often intrigued by the comments that spammers send. Recently one arrived in the folder of this site where the filter had questioned the sender, and the sender had answered the question correctly. It showed how this particular spammer works. S/he has one long comment, and presumably chooses to cut one out of this comment for a particular site. On this occasion s/he appears to have forgotten to do any cutting, but we know, because of the question being answered correctly, that somewhere s/he is sitting going through site by site, one by one. Accidentally the whole pile of resources arrived at this site. Here it is:
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Sorry 🙂
(seriously, I draw on this site a lot, and perhaps the main cue to why you get so much spam is because they spot you have high traffic – so in a way it’s a bit of a compliment!) Prayers abd Blessings, Fr. S
Ummm… thanks… Fr Simon… I think… Blessings.
Coincidentally, I’d just finished a post about passing a milestone at TS.
Have a look at the end of the post where I discuss the volumes of spam that we have had on our site over the years. It is slightly more than the numbers of comments by humans
Thanks, “Iprent”. As part of the culture on this site, we use our ordinary, real name please. Blessings.