The Social Media Gospel: Sharing the Good News in New Ways
by Meredith Gould (Liturgical Press) 134 pages.
Meredith has been my e-friend for many years. I know she knows what she is talking about. She regularly participates on this site, and I’ve reviewed at least one other book of hers.
This is how she describes herself: “Sociologist by training (Ph.D., NYU), educator by experience, consultant by preference. Published author (9 books and one always in the works), digital strategist and communications consultant to mission-based organizations, notably healthcare organizations and churches at local, as well as diocesan/synodical levels. Deeply committed to using social media to build community and generate action. Long-time experience coaching authors about writing, producing, and promoting books.”
The Social Media Gospel is an easy read, well organised, with boxes, tables, bullet points to encourage your own reflection, and so forth. Meredith presents principles, examines a variety of different social media platforms, and shows how to do your planning, as well as indicating current best practice.
For those interested in mission and ministry in the newly-discovered, heavily-peopled, land of the internet, Meredith Gould’s book on The Social Media Gospel is a must read. For those of us already active there – Meredith brings an invitation to reflect on what we are doing, and ways to improve. For those new and uncertain – here is step-by-step advice from a skilled practitioner.
Here is Meredith Gould’s own online presence:
@chsocm She runs #ChSocM (ch-sock-em), a weekly Twitter-based chat about using social media to build church and faith Tuesdays, 9PM, ET.
More Meredith Gould
church social media
And, of course, there is The Social Media Gospel (Kindle Edition)
Buy this book. If not for yourself, give it to your priest, pastor, or someone with energy for the 21st century. Read it. Discuss it. Apply it.
This being a review in social media, if you’ve got a comment on any of the above, I encourage you to join the conversation below.
And I’m also on Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest! That’s right, I’ll try just about anything and everything. Thanks, Bosco, for this review. Of course I love your kicker line about how people should give it to their priest/pastor et. al. Getting lots of notes (via social media) and email from people who are doing just that. Color me: Happy Author.
Excellent, Meredith! Blessings.