I appreciated the recent Tweet (Thanks for pointing to it, Bishop Peter Carrell) that understood that we all yearn for truth, goodness, and beauty, and the Tweet neatly summarised that different approaches stress different priorities:
Catholicism: What is Good, Beautiful, and True?
— Adam Waddell (@waddell_adam) August 28, 2019
Eastern Orthodoxy: What is Beautiful, True, and Good?
Protestantism: What is True, Good, and Beautiful?
Some of the discussions that followed, again obviously in generalisations, also highlighted other focuses:
Eastern Christianity was more about encountering the glory of God. Western Christianity has been about: How do I get saved?
Brad Evans
My question was, what, then, would be the Anglican stress? Fr Malcolm French would have it be
Beautiful, Good, and True.
Malcolm French
That would leave
Good, True, and Beautiful
True, Beautiful, and Good
Which groupings would these last two point to? Do you agree with the generalisations given? What do you think?