Videos of Note
Can start the following at 1:02:00 Today is the Forty-fourth day of Easter.
Updated Sunday 1 June: Every NZ Anglican that has contacted me publicly or privately has indicated that today’s liturgical colour used in their community is White. This includes my winning my bet (below) that even the lectionary editors are not following the lectionary colour suggestion. Whilst I am not being so bold as to suggest
Let There Be White Read More »
I walk around the chapels following the Rosary’s mysteries at the Anglican Church in Walsingham and come into the Ascension Chapel. I cannot make out why it is called the Ascension Chapel. There is a painting of Mary… … And then I look up…. Two feet are protruding out of the ceiling… (image above). I
I was delighted to hear The Very Rev. Richard Giles (left, image above) preach, and generously be invited to have lunch with him. Several of his books are on my shelves: Re-Pitching the Tent: Re-Ordering the Church Building for Worship and Mission is the one I would recommend most. It is about how to re-order
Another confused bill was passed at General Synod Te Hinota Whanui 2014 (GSTHW14). This one was attempting to see to it that, in the Eucharist, baptism and confirmation can no longer be placed between the New Testament Lesson and The Gospel. Contrary to the church’s reporting, this Bill has not now “passed into law“, but
I created the above chart to illustrate, simply, the counting of Lent and Easter. All days in my table are inclusive. The forty days of Lent is an approximate tenth or tithe of the year. The fifty days of the Easter Season is approximately a seventh of the year – it forms the great Sunday
Pope Francis’ visit to the Holy Land (24-26 May) – Jordan; Palestine; Israel. It has the motto “So that they may be one”. The centre of his pilgrimage is the meeting with Greek Orthodox Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople and the heads of the Churches in Jerusalem. The logo for the pilgrimage (image above) expresses this
Pope Francis in the Holy Land Read More »
As most of you will know, there is a Liturgy Facebook Page associated with this website. But you do not “join” such a page, you “like” the page; you can also “follow” the page. Church has, in the past, tended to talk of a believe-belong-behave approach to being a Christian. But, in a world where
Church in a Facebook World Read More »