I have been asked about “Slow Advent“. Slow Advent is a way of living Advent. Advent can so easily be cluttered with shopping and end-of-year stuff. In the Southern Hemisphere examinations and end-of-school year and preparing-for-summer-holidays are added. Some people advocate for a longer Advent period (eg. Celtic Advent). Slow Advent is saying – less is more: live Advent slowly and try to add less.
Over the years of Slow Advent, people have given ideas and resources which you can go and look at.
First add your name here: Slow Advent
As Slow Food is to Fast Food – so Slow Advent is to most people’s Fast “Season of Advent” (facebook will not allow an event to go on for the length of the Season – hence, only the end date is given on the facebook event.) You can add your ideas and practices.
Here is an example of a previous Slow Advent.
Original, Southern Hemisphere Advent collects
An outline example and resources for an Advent Eucharist
Advent in the Southern Hemisphere
Advent wreath blessing
Southern Cross Advent Wreath blessing
We in New Zealand and the Southern Hemisphere have an experience of December which is quite different to Europe and the Northern Hemisphere. Here we too are waiting, but it is for the summer holidays, for examinations and their results, and for the end of the year. Images of reassessment, first-fruits, new birth and springtime link surprisingly well even with the readings of the Three Year Series and its derivative, the Revised Common Lectionary, both designed in the Northern hemisphere.