Videos from the 2021 Anglo-Catholic Hui in Christchurch are now here. You will find the daily Bible studies by Fr Tony Curtis (Dean of Dunedin), Daily Eucharists, and the keynote addresses by Fr Richard Peers (Sub Dean at Christ Church, Oxford, UK). The Workshops were not recorded.
The planned Anglo-Catholic Hui for 2020 was postponed for this year because of Covid-19. The planned keynote speaker, Fr Richard Peers, also could not make it IRL – so we had him with us this year by video – including a question-and-answer session on zoom. This year build on last time’s focus on evangelism by looking at specific disciplines and practices that nourish our ongoing spiritual lives.
I presided and preached at the second Eucharist, and I ran a workshop on desert disciplines – the Christian spiritual disciplines originating in the desert, honed in monasteries, and made available to us all.
There are (Anglican Taonga, off-this-site) articles about the Hui here and here. This is the third Hui. The first was in Dunedin in 2018. The second was in Wellington in 2019.
I hope you especially appreciate the videos.
As well as the website, there is also an ongoing facebook group.