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God wasn’t there Before the Universe

Here’s my next attempt at a less-than-one-minute video. This one highlights that talking about “before the Universe”, including God being there “before the Universe”, is nonsensical…

I’ve loved some of the responses to my previous one. My favourite is from Fr Tobias Stanislas Haller:

Idolatry treats things like God, and blasphemy treats God like a thing.

A good book, if you want to explore this further is God is No Thing by Rupert Shortt:

‘God is no thing, but not nothing.’ These words from the renowned thinker Herbert McCabe point to a fallacy at the heart of New Atheist polemics against religion: the deity rejected by Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens, Sam Harris and their followers is not God as taught in classical tradition, but merely a blown-up thing. From this basic error flow many more misunderstandings about Christianity and other creeds. As a result, debate on life’s biggest questions has grown vitriolic as well as confused.

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2 thoughts on “God wasn’t there Before the Universe”

  1. I love it Bosco!

    One minute sermon series- I’ll suggest that to a few people I know : )

    Journalist Michael Marshall wrote an excellent article I cited in a paper earlier this year (https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20231110-doctor-who-is-time-travel-really-possible-heres-what-physics-says)

    What we know about time is that we can always go forward but never go back…alas.

    The one thing I know about God (whatever we conceive that to mean) God is irrespective of our nonsense : )

    1. Great article, thanks Tracy – I’m an avid Sci-fi follower, & love Dr Who. Timetravel movies can struggle with important concepts.
      Most importantly: yes, God is irrespective of our nonsense. Blessings.

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