Whilst February 22 Roman Catholics, New Zealand Anglicans and others will be reading Mark 2:1-12 etc., those following the Revised Common Lectionary will generally be celebrating the Transfiguration with the following readings.
Mark 9:2-9
This describes an altered state of consciousness understood and experienced in 90% of cultures studied by anthropologists, but blocked in the contemporary, secular, materialististic Western culture, where we deny and fear that which we cannot control. Some scholars see this as a resurrection story projected back into Jesus’ life, others describe it as “eschatological” – a “preview of coming attractions”. Jesus is there with the great lawgiver and the great prophet. Mountan, witnesses, signs, and shared experience are common to similar biblical theophanies (Exodus 19-20; 34; 1 Kings 19:4-18). Jesus’ sonship, declared in Mark 1:1, and 1:11 is re-arffirmed here at the centre of the gospel – this will lead to its declaration at the end by the centurion. This underscores the nature of Jesus’ group (kin-like), his mission, and the challenge to be loyal to him.
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Don’t forget: each week I also publish a reflection on the collect/opening prayer.
While I certainly agree that Western culture, with all its secular materialistic and naturalistic bent, has no categories for an event such as the Transfiguration, I would take exception with calling it merely an “altered state of consciousness.” I would also steer clear of reading back a resurrection story into the account and would understand it, instead, as an eschatological event.
The Transfiguration, I think, is Jesus in his glory providing a sneak preview of the Kingdom to come…the Kingdom which began breaking in at his incarnation and will ultimately be revealed in toto at his return. As such, it is totally miraculous and other-worldly, incapable of being explained away as a purely naturalistic phenomenon. The Transfiguration, like God, is something beyond our control and total understanding, an event worthy of our contemplation and adoration!
I’m not sure how familiar it may be in NZ (I assume it is very familiar), but our congregations in the States often sing “Alleluia, Song of Gladness” on Transfiguration Sunday as we say ‘farewell’ to the Alleluias until Easter morning.
Thanks for the opportunity to comment. May Christ continue to richly bless you!
In our church I am rostered on tyis week for the Prayers which I like to differ a bit by putting them in prose form. I haven’t completed them yet but have commenced with the following:-
As Jesus Christ was so transfigured
Help us be so transformed
that God’s Holy Spirit in us
shines out through us, unadorned.
Help us live lives that are worthy
of the price our Lord paid
When He laid his life down for us
alone, rejected and afraid.
Pls. give a simple meditation on Transfiguration. Thanks.
http://globalworship.tumblr.com/post/110685889040/transfiguration-resources = Prayers, poems, songs, blessings, art and more to help us celebrate the Transfiguration.
Thanks, Paul. Blessings.